October 12th – October 18th
Explore how you would create a PLN prior to building a podcast on a topic of your choice. Please include an exploration of how would you emulate success stories in this space (podcasts that you’ve listened to or seen become noteworthy), and how would you use your PLN with the intent to expand your audience?
Personal Learning Networks provide an opportunity for people to connect with each other and share information that is of common interest. Creating a PLN prior to developing a podcast is a proactive strategy as it can provide differing perspectives on issues, introduce potential guest speakers, and give new information on topics that are of interest. Podcasting is an interesting method of sharing information, and I believe that many people are drawn to this form of media because it allows them to feel as though they are a part of a conversation. If I was creating a PLN prior to developing a podcast, I think it could take place over Twitter. Twitter is a good social media platform to use because as Bianca Woods says, “There are several different ways to use Twitter.” (2013) I have never considered developing a podcast because like many others, I do not enjoy listening to my own voice in recordings. If i was to develop a podcast, it would be on a topic that I find engaging and interesting; possibly something rooted in psychology or health sciences. I found the discussion between Professor Miller and Mo Amir very interesting because of Mo’s advice to choose a topic that is close to your heart and that is of significant interest. The discussion about putting content into the digital space was fascinating as I was unfamiliar with what goes into podcasting prior to the discussion. I think that Dr Brene Brown has created an excellent PLN prior to creating her podcast “Unlocking Us.” She has written numerous books, presented her research both in person and online, and has a massive social media following. Through the use of her social media, she is able to discuss and learn from her peers and she goes on to say this in her podcasts. She has a following of 812.8K followers on Twitter as of October 2020. If I was going to create a podcast, I believe that interaction with others to discuss the issues prior to the creation of a podcast would be beneficial to the success and promotion of my podcast. This is emphasized again as a successful media to develop a PLN through the discussion between Professor Miller and Mo Amir when Mo identifies Twitter as a site that allows him to directly connect with local journalists and media. The use of Twitter to expand my audience could be through interaction with these people to educate them on the podcast, discuss issues, and possibly recruit them as guest speakers.
Additionally, explore some of the privacy/security concerns to consider when developing an audience on any social media platform? What are the concerns for individuals who become influential in a social space?
There are many privacy and security concerns when developing an audience on a social media platform. One of the most dangerous privacy concerns is the ability for people to find you on social media and potentially then locate you in real life. When people become influential on a social space, they run the risk of people finding them in person and harming them physically or emotionally. It can alter people’s perception of you in your personal life when you become influential and at times, I can imagine people close to you may use it to their advantage rather than having your best interest at heart. Security concerns for influential people include online hacking, obtaining highly sensitive personal information, and potentially identity crisis. It is important for those who become influential in a social space to be cautious about what information is being shared online. Additionally, all information that is shared online stays online. This is an important thing to remember for those who become influential because their information that they share on accident could be used against them in the future.
EDCI 338. (October 10, 2020). EDCI 338 – A01 building a podcast [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyODAhviQyA
Brown, Brené. Twitter. (Oct. 2020), twitter.com/BreneBrown?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor.
Woods, B. (2013). Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network. T+D, 67(11). https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A348998538/ITBC?u=uvictoria&sid=ITBC&xid=9daf4a31
Hi Leah,
You produced some really great insights throughout this blog. I think your last paragraph was especially impactful because of the specific examples you gave, so thank you for that! I completely agree that although it seems unlikely, there is always a chance someone may locate you from your posts etc online. One thing you touched on that I had forgotten to consider was the risk of identity crisis. It seems this is happening more and more now, as I just read about the Revenue Canada identity scam that just occurred.
Great blog this week,
Hello Leah,
Your blog post looks very clear and organized. I liked how you explained to use Twitter as your PLN prior to developing a podcast. I agree that finding and using an engaging and interesting topic would be a good idea. In my opinion, it will grab people’s attention to your posts and keep their interests in reading them. Also, as I described in my post, exploring different online communities and joining in tweet chats will also be useful and effective for people to build connection and interaction. Moreover, for the part of privacy and security in your post, I agree that in a social space, people all should be cautious about what information is being shared online. We will never know how third-parties trace our personal information and how they will use it. I am wondering if you have read this web article about Website Tracking: Why and How Do Websites Track You?
Hi Leah,
The discussion between Professor Miller and Mo Amir shared in your blog is very interesting to me. I will learn more about it. Thank you for sharing.