Month: October 2020


October 19th – October 25th

Explore how using technology can provide real time engagement and include answers to the following:

How does social media help engage in community-based communications?

Social media can help engage community based communications in many different ways. An excellent example of this is in the discussion between Professor Miller and Mike Russell. Mike discusses an occasion where a UVic student posted on reddit about “finding good weed,” and the response that the VicPD social media account had was entertaining, rather than disciplinary. This was a good way to engage others and begin a community based conversation, both on Reddit and through the news. The use of social media can engage participants form the community that would not otherwise be a part of the conversation. This is discussed in the chapter “A new vision for Public Media” when it states “People come in as participants and leave recognizing themselves as members of a public— a group of people commonly affected by an issue, whatever their differences about how to resolve it.” (Aufderheide & Clark, 2013). It enables people to become a part of something bigger and discuss various topics of interest. The use of social media in community based communications enables inclusivity and provides platforms to discuss issues with people that may not otherwise be a part of the conversation. 

How does social media challenge community-based communications?

Social media challenges community based communications in the sense that it can strip some of the face to face interactions that would traditionally be required for these conversations. Angie Kermer discusses how using an online platform to learn was different from how she would discuss this in real life. This challenge is consistent across professional, personal, and educational platforms. The language used when using social media to communicate within the community is different from the in person language that would be used. An interesting perspective on this is found in the podcast “The Happiness Lab” with Dr Laurie Santos. In the Episode 4: Mistakenly Seeking Solitude, she discusses the use of technology and the impacts it has on people’s happiness levels (Santos , 2019). This podcast opens the conversation of why humans attempt to automate systems that were previously done using human interaction to communicate, and are now using technology to omit the human component (such as the creation and use of an ATM) 

Within community engagement, are their extended rules from the employer that you should consider?

In community engagement, I feel that there are rules from employers that should be considered. This includes ensuring sensitive information is kept near by and not shared publicly, and respect for others is maintained through the style of communication used. Additionally, ensuring conversations that are personal are not done so using community engagement from a professional perspective. 

Are there cultural sensitivities that should be considered?

I think there are cultural sensitivities that should be considered when discussing community engagement. Mike Russell touches on some of the conversations that have arisen within the indigenous community and I feel this is an important topic to consider, especially within the legal system and school communities. Being mindful towards what is being discussed and ensuring that it is done in a respectful way is very important, especially in the sensitive times that we are presently in. This is conversed again in a guest lecture with Angie Kermer. She discusses her indigenous background and her work experience with the RCMP. Bringing in cultural values to policing and school systems is important, and this should be considered. Angie discusses how leadership is important when considering cultural sensitivities, and there is a need to integrate this more into school and policing systems. 

What should your PLN say about you as you communicate to the public via social media or communication tools?

I believe that your PLN should be reflective of your goals, values, and character when communicating via social media/other communication tools. Your Personalized Learning Network depicts your interests and what you’re passionate about. I think that it is important that it reflects your character, and the choices you make in how you participate in your PLN is important. I feel that my PLN within EDCI338 would say that I am relatively active and attempting to engage myself with other members. It has been challenging to communicate within this course specifically. I believe my PLN depicts my hard work and dedication to learning, and interests in psychology, usability, and systems design. As I communicate with my PLN both in this course, and outside of this course, I attempt to show my values and goals while maintaining mindfulness for others. 

What does it mean to balance your professional expectations and your personal beliefs in curating a PLN for the purpose of career development?

I think balancing professional expectations and personal beliefs when curating a PLN for the purpose of development means to tie in both personal and professional aspects into the PLN. As discussed above, one’s PLN is a reflection of their personal character and values. These values and interaction are going to be consistent with behaviour in professional PLN that is developed for career development. I think that Angie Kermer discussed this accurately when describing how at times, she felt very angry when people told her “you should maintain that connection because you might need it someday.” she felt this was offensive because she takes her personal connections with professional relationships seriously, and it is unfair to maintain a connection to “use” that person later on. Balancing professional expectations and personal beliefs is challenging as they may contradict at times, depending on the field of work and types of conversations that arise. The balance comes from ensuring your personal boundaries are not crossed, and that you feel validated as an individual. The professional expectations include rules on how one should conduct themselves in an appropriate manner to convey professionalism. To balance is to ensure both these components are recognized, and if needed, action is taken to ensure they are respected as well. 

What do you think you need to reflect on (in regards to your PLN or development of a PLN) to adapt evolving social media communication expectations as a community learns more about who you are?

I think you need to reflect on what you want to show others and how it affects their perception of you as a community gets to know you. Social media provides opportunities to share things with others, and I feel that prior to sharing, people should reflect on what they are sharing, and what it says about them as a person. As an individual, this reflection would likely result in some adaptation of social media communication expectations. Learning more about those in your community and how they are interacting with your social media presence can help shift what is said and how it is shared to ensure people feel respected and included.  



Clark, J., & Aufderheide, P. (2013). A New Vision for Public Media – Open, Dynamic, and Participatory. In J. Pooley, L. Taub-Pervizpour, & S. C. Jansen (Authors), Media and social justice (pp. 55-67). New York: Palgrave.

EDCI 338 (2020, Oct 18). A01 Russell, M [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH_UiTWYYwU&feature=youtu.be

EDCI 338 (2020, Oct 18). A01 Kermer, A [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73KOxy_fMSM&feature=youtu.be

 Santos, L. (Producer). (2019, October 7). Mistakenly Seeking Solitude [Audio podcast]. https://www.happinesslab.fm/season-1-episodes/mistakenly-seeking-solitude



October 12th – October 18th

Explore how you would create a PLN prior to building a podcast on a topic of your choice. Please include an exploration of how would you emulate success stories in this space (podcasts that you’ve listened to or seen become noteworthy), and how would you use your PLN with the intent to expand your audience?

Personal Learning Networks provide an opportunity for people to connect with each other and share information that is of common interest. Creating a PLN prior to developing a podcast is a proactive strategy as it can provide differing perspectives on issues, introduce potential guest speakers, and give new information on topics that are of interest. Podcasting is an interesting method of sharing information, and I believe that many people are drawn to this form of media because it allows them to feel as though they are a part of a conversation. If I was creating a PLN prior to developing a podcast, I think it could take place over Twitter. Twitter is a good social media platform to use because as Bianca Woods says, “There are several different ways to use Twitter.” (2013) I have never considered developing a podcast because like many others, I do not enjoy listening to my own voice in recordings. If i was to develop a podcast, it would be on a topic that I find engaging and interesting; possibly something rooted in psychology or health sciences. I found the discussion between Professor Miller and Mo Amir very interesting because of Mo’s advice to choose a topic that is close to your heart and that is of significant interest. The discussion about putting content into the digital space was fascinating as I was unfamiliar with what goes into podcasting prior to the discussion. I think that Dr Brene Brown has created an excellent PLN prior to creating her podcast “Unlocking Us.” She has written numerous books, presented her research both in person and online, and has a massive social media following. Through the use of her social media, she is able to discuss and learn from her peers and she goes on to say this in her podcasts. She has a following of 812.8K followers on Twitter as of October 2020.  If I was going to create a podcast, I believe that interaction with others to discuss the issues prior to the creation of a podcast would be beneficial to the success and promotion of my podcast. This is emphasized again as a successful media to develop a PLN through the discussion between Professor Miller and Mo Amir when Mo identifies Twitter as  a site that allows him to directly connect with local journalists and media. The use of Twitter to expand my audience could be through interaction with these people to educate them on the podcast, discuss issues, and possibly recruit them as guest speakers.    

Additionally, explore some of the privacy/security concerns to consider when developing an audience on any social media platform? What are the concerns for individuals who become influential in a social space?

There are many privacy and security concerns when developing an audience on a social media platform. One of the most dangerous privacy concerns is the ability for people to find you on social media and potentially then locate you in real life. When people become influential on a social space, they run the risk of people finding them in person and harming them physically or emotionally. It can alter people’s perception of you in your personal life when you become influential and at times, I can imagine people close to you may use it to their advantage rather than having your best interest at heart. Security concerns for influential people include online hacking, obtaining highly sensitive personal information, and potentially identity crisis. It is important for those who become influential in a social space to be cautious about what information is being shared online. Additionally, all information that is shared online stays online. This is an important thing to remember for those who become influential because their information that they share on accident could be used against them in the future. 


EDCI 338. (October 10, 2020). EDCI 338 – A01 building a podcast [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyODAhviQyA

Brown, Brené. Twitter. (Oct. 2020), twitter.com/BreneBrown?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor. 

Woods, B. (2013). Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network. T+D, 67(11). https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A348998538/ITBC?u=uvictoria&sid=ITBC&xid=9daf4a31


October 5th – October 11th

How diverse is your existing PLN?

My existing PLN is very diverse. We were assigned groups by our Professor, and he effectively curated a network that consists of a diverse group of individuals taking this class. I was born and raised in Calgary. Three of my group members are from various parts of China. One group member speaks French, and one is from Victoria. Our various backgrounds and upbringings allow us to present new ideas and perspectives on topics. In my personal life, I am actively working towards collaborating with more people outside of my close friend group. One area of my life that I am able to do this is in my work. I work part time at Lululemon and I have been exposed to a very diverse demographic through this opportunity.

In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?

In my PLN I feel that I am constantly learning, both with regards to this course as well as in my own personal life. I do feel that I am able to actively contribute to share my learnings as well, although I am hopeful that I do not overshadow anybody when I am providing my perspective. I have been working on listening more and talking less, which has proved more difficult that I anticipated, although I continue to try!

Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide-range of interests)?

Within my PLN in EDCI338 I feel that we have yet to have many active discussions on the course content, and we seem to have a very wide range of interests that may not coincide with one another. Group members are in a variety of programs within UVic and some of these are quite different – for example I am in Health Information Sciences, while some group members are in economics. While I am sure they are fascinated with their major, I have little interest in it because I find it confusing and do not enjoy doing math. I would argue that many of the group members are unaware of what Health Informatics is and therefore may not have any interest in my program. I look forward to actively participating in discussion with my PLN in the upcoming weeks.

How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?

There are various ways that I believe my PLN can be used to broaden my views of inclusion. The first is through reading others blog posts and understanding their perspective that I may not have previously considered. Having a group that is from different places, different genders, socioeconomic status’ and programs is of benefit in this situation. We are able to see many perspectives which encourage inclusion as all perspectives are welcome and respected. As described by Shelley Moore and Leyton Schnellert, inclusion is not just a place and time (2017). This is important to consider with my PLN because we are not sharing a physical space or real time with one another, it is asynchronous. Despite this, there is still the ability to encourage inclusion. 

What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

The learning outcome of my PLN is to discuss issues and perspectives on various topics provided by Professor Miller. My goal of using this is to be exposed to as many perspectives as possible. I am ensuring ym exposure to diversity and inclusion within this course through actively reading and responding to blog posts of others and trying to facilitate conversations with others in the chat room that we have. In my own life I have taken steps to ensure I am exposed to diversity and inclusion through working for Lululemon as they place a significant amount of emphasis on this (lululemon, 2020). 

How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?

My thinking about inclusion and diversity has evolved as a result of the materials provided in this week’s schedule. As I have no formal education in inclusion and diversity, I learned a lot about what it means to be inclusive and what diversity actually means. Somebody that was studying for example sociology may have prior (formal) knowledge on this topic. I feel that I am constantly learning and I am grateful for this eye opening experience. When reading One Without the Other: Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion (2017) I was surprised in the introduction when she showed images of what “Inclusion” looks like and then argued that it was not accurate. I had a similar experience to Shelley because I was confused initially. I think the discussion between Shelley and Jesse also provided some enlightenment as I would not have previously considered people that were oppressed when discussing inclusion. It is important to ensure that everybody is included and their ideas are being heard. Had I not listened to that discussion, I would not have considered that to be a significant aspect of inclusion.



Diversity & Inclusion at Work and in our Communities. (2020). Retrieved October 10, 2020, from https://shop.lululemon.com/story/inclusion-diversity-equity-action

Moore, S., & Schnellert, L. (2017). Introduction & Part 1: What Is Inclusion? Debunking the Myths. In One without the other: Stories of unity through diversity and inclusion (pp. 6-12). Winnipeg, Manitoba: Portage & Main Press


September 28th – October 4th

Please see my Visitor and Resident Map below!

Visitor and Resident Map

What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

I believe that students are using numerous digital platforms to develop their professional network. As a student, I use LinkedIn as my primary platform to develop a professional network. The reason for this being that it is a platform that was created specifically for professionals, posting and discussing jobs, and providing information useful for the business world. Based on conversation and observation of other students, I believe that platforms that were created originally for social media purposes are now also being used to develop a professional network. Students are creating specific accounts with the intent of sharing their learning in school (for example, a friend of mine has created an instagram account for her recipes and to share her knowledge of nutrition. This is done in hopes that once she has built up enough followers, she will be able to use her social media platform as an asset for her future business). Another platform that students are currently using may be Twitter. This is the case because it provides an interactive interface in which people can connect with each other and with organizations using a variety of techniques, such as direct messaging, commenting on tweets, and tagging others when creating a tweet.

What can you (as a student) consider to expand your professional learning network?

As a student I think that expanding my professional learning network is important, even more so as I approach graduation. Expanding my professional learning network could be done by connecting with my family friends on LinkedIn to gain a better understanding of their careers, and to seek advice/guidance from people with careers that I find interesting. Another way to expand my professional learning network is to interact with others digitally on a regular basis to build connections with those with similar interests. Following accounts that post information that is relevant and interesting to me in my professional career is beneficial and can further my learning on topics that I find engaging. 

In your network, how can you create a digital identity/reputation?

I can create a digital identity or reputation by engaging with others and through what I chose to share/interact with. It is important when considering your digital footprint that your actions align with what you intend to have as your reputation. Interacting with content that is constructive, business related, and positive has been beneficial to my digital reputation. 

Consider what a local employer would do if you applied for a job with them – can they search the content, is it of benefit to the career path, does it hinder the opportunity of employment?

A local employer would be able to see some of my digital platforms, although not all. I chose to keep much of my information private and therefore not searchable unless I was to grant them permission to follow/view my platforms. The platforms that I have that are public are representative of my professional experience, and I feel that this information would not hinder my employment opportunities. Having recently undergone an interview and received an offer of employment from an organization, I am very aware of what my digital footprint appears to be. The content that I have public is of benefit for my future career path and I intend to maintain that. 



“Digital Visitors and Residents” www.oclc.org. ©2020 OCLC [October 1, 2020] http://experimental.worldcat.org/vandrmapping/signIn.

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